Script Library: 1238 scripts
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Easy Quick Plot
60.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Simple tutorial for using the quick plot dialect.
author: Matt Licholai
Easy VID Tutorial
16.2 KB
13 Mar 2003
Beginner's tutorial to VID.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Graph a function
19.2 KB
13 Jun 2004
Graph a function rounding function by Ladislav Mecir Usage .... Type in your function of x into the input field Some pretty functions to get you started ..... 3 * sin (0.5 * pi * x) 3 * sin (x * x) exp(0.1 * x) * (sin(4 * pi * x)) 4 * sin (4 * pi / x) 0.2 * exp(- x) * sin [...]
author: Phil Bevan
Save console history
737 bytes
20 Jul 2003
Takes the history of input into the console and prints it out, line by line, to a file. This way you can paste in functions and whole scripts, and save them for viewing and editing. Sorts it to display the oldest commands at the top.
author: Saw it on the ML a while ago
26.8 KB
19 Jan 2009
[no purpose header found]
author: David 'Oldes' Oliva
227.7 KB
7 Sep 2012
icon for rebolide.rA Rebol IDE for beginners that helps learning Rebol. I suggest you to put this script in a separete folder.
author: Massimiliano Vessi
CMS - web site builder
sitebuilder.cgi125.6 KB
22 Dec 2012
Easily create, edit, and arrange HTML pages on your web site. Upload existing content files or use the built-in WSYIWYG HTML editor (from to layout pages visually, without having to write any code. It works just like a word processor, except it runs directly in your browser, right on your web site. You can adjust fonts, colors, and other [...]
author: nick
REBOL Mapping of all win32 API errors
193.9 KB
8 Sep 2010
[no purpose header found]
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
CGI Web Page Comment Poster
3.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
Allows viewers to add comments to a web page. (needs webcomment.r to create example forms file).
author: Carl Sassenrath
Choose and convert colors
37.5 KB
12 Jan
icon for color-requester.rRequests a color or modify or convert it
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Simple Rebol DBMS
24.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
RebolBase is a simple database managment system written entirely in Rebol. Its main feature is that it stores its data in plain, newline delimited text files. This allows the database to be accessed and modified by other programs.
author: Jamey Cribbs
FastCGI Broker
2.6 KB
15 Dec 2005
Rebol script broker for a hooked rebol interpreter launched as a FastCGI application. This is the root script which runs others scripts on request of the FastCGI peer. This enables REBOL/Core or REBOL/View to act as a FastCGI application without the need for REBOL/Command. This script only works on Windows with a patched REBOL interpreter. Details available at [...]
author: Pascal Hurni
FABRIK IK solver
10.0 KB
15 Dec 2019
Implement Forward And Backward Reaching Inverse Kinematics algorithm.
author: Marco Antoniazzi Lookalike Spam Trap
formmail.pl2.5 KB
21 May 2007
Respond to a CGI calls as if we were (See If the request seems to be an openness check, respond with an email indicating this server is ready for abuse. Else, swallow spam email and return nothing. Note the filename - for once, a rebol script [...]
author: HY
glayout - GLASS-based layout engine
141.6 KB
16 Nov 2006
replace vid dialect layout while keeping its basic featureset
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
HTML Dialect
21.8 KB
20 Aug 2008
HTML dialect for simple generation of webpages with REBOL code.
author: henrik mikael kristensen
LIQUID - core dataflow programming engine.
64.9 KB
28 Mar 2009
Create procedural processing networks.
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
National Instruments Rebol Wrapper
180.9 KB
19 Sep 2008
A wrapper allowing to use National Instrument DAQmx base library with Rebol
author: Francois Jouen (ldci)
National Instruments Rebol Wrapper
176.8 KB
25 Feb 2013
A wrapper allowing to use National Instrument DAQmx base (3.6) library with Rebol
author: Francois Jouen (ldci)
Pratt's parser implementation
8.9 KB
16 Aug 2018
A set of functions to ease construction of expressions parsing with precedences.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Quick Plot Dialect
41.4 KB
6 Mar 2007
Provide a quick and easy to use dialect for plotting in REBOL
author: Matt Licholai
Function counter
8.6 KB
14 Feb 2012
[no purpose header found]
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
Rebol Reader
64.1 KB
10 Apr 2006
The script is a method to provide an orderly collection of scripts and documents to form a Rebol reference.
author: R.v.d.Zee
Scrolling layout demo
scrollinglayout.r22.7 KB
7 Feb 2013
This is a demo of making a sub-layout, on a main window, that is too big for the main window and can be scrolled. It was adapted from the REBOL cookbook and heavily annotated as an aid in learning how the scroller works.
author: Steven White with help from Carl and MaxV
Spin-number style example
11.0 KB
17 Oct 2020
A quick way to add a simple spin-number to VID GUIs
author: Marco Antoniazzi